About Nickangula
We are a husband-and-wife dynamic duo who design and make... well... whatever we feel like! :D
The majority of our products at the moment are apparel, shoes, bags, accessories, home decor, and art - inspired by Angela's art photography, and LOTS and LOTS of Star Wars-Inspired Items!
Nick and I started dating in 2001, he was a Senior in High School, and I was a Sophomore. We got married in 2008, and make a pretty awesome team.
To make a long story short our mutual friend Hunter, who is responsible for introducing us, started calling us "Nickangula" shortly after we started dating because we were inseparable. (It's Angula instead of Angela because that was his nickname for me). Throughout our relationship we have worked on countless creative projects together, and found that we complement each other in our skill sets. So when trying to think of a name for our maker business Nickangula seemed pretty perfect.
We both have the mindset of "I can probably make that", and then figure out how to make it happen. We are both pretty nerdy, so a lot of our projects were costumes from our favorite movies & TV shows.
I am a designer type, and went to Cazenovia College for 2 years to study Fashion Design. I was pretty horrible at doing my homework... which resulting in me losing my scholarship that paid for 75% of my tuition. I transferred out to a community college and took some art, photography, and marketing classes in order to finish an Associate's Degree. So I hold an Associate's degree in "Individualized Studies" with a concentration in Art & Fashion Design. Although my grades didn't reflect it I actually retained quite a lot from my time at Caz. It gave me the skills and knowledge to become a better designer and learn how to draft flat patterns (although I still totally prefer draping!). I was always a little ashamed of how I screwed up college, but now I sort of embrace being a "Fashion School Drop-Out". Somehow, it seems to be working out! So I combine my love of photography and design to create unique, offbeat styles. I've always designed for me, generally rather eccentric, so actually selling my designs is still kind of mind-blowing! :P
Nick is a brilliant and talented maker who loves to come up with random projects and figure out how to bring them to life. He specializes in vacuum-forming, sculpting, costuming, prop replicas, and screen-printing. He is kept very busy with his full-time job as a store manager, but has lots of projects in the works that will pop up in our shop from time to time. Right now his most significant contribution is as my greatest source of inspiration, and the face of our most popular sellers - the Imperial Stormtrooper featured on hundreds of items which have sold all over the world! His image is even worn by some of the Internet's most popular cosplay models (listed below), and was featured on the Instagram page @dirtydroid for their Spring 2018 Star Wars Fashion Week Event!
Models we have worked with, and their Instagram Usernames:
-Griffin Maria: @griffinmariamodel
-Megan Random: @meganrandom
-Danny Cozplay (Danielle Pavluk): @dannycozplay
-Cat: @imaginationbycat
Our projects cover a really wide range of categories, it all depends on what interests us, or particular commissions we've taken on. We've designed and constructed 2 Easter Bunny costumes, several cosplay & Halloween costumes, & costumes for theatre. Beyond costuming we have done some apparel and accessories, including screen printing t-shirts & satchels, home decor, stuffed animals, vacuum-forming, health & beauty aids, etc., etc.